Monday, December 17, 2007

Blueballs from London

I wake up from a brisk nap turn on the old I-pod and take in the sounds of Sweetback Gaze is the track of choice for me as I roll into London.
This is a hard town, it’s very expensive so one has to be very careful about what you do and where you spend your money.
Amsterdam was a great groundbreaker and I had high expectations for London, For one I could speak the Language which is a plus and I have one of the faces that work when traveling abroad and as fucked up as this sounds I don’t Look American so I can pass for any various ethnic group as long as I keep my mouth shut I get in where I fit in depending on where you go this is important. (But that's a different STORY)
So I begin my ritual hotel check in secure my luggage and shower.
This trip will be different I have some friends who live here so even though I like to run it solo an experienced Wing man helps, especially here.
Unlike other cities London competes with itself to PRESSINING LEVELS to provide as many different SCENES if you will, in various spread out areas it’s like New York in that sense, there may be tons of dance Clubs Lounges ect in Brooklyn, but THEE Club to be seen at is in Manhattan Club BLAH BLAH BLAH.

London is like that plus ten but that’s my opinion. The Underground events are where I want to hang my hat on this trip and this is the Place to find it but to know where it is, you have to know someone, specially if your visiting cause getting to the right one on the right night is crucial remember, I’m on a mission and this trip.
I want to shoot my load on an Underground Club girl.


Anonymous said...

you left out all the good parts in amsterdam. damn you.

balddee2 said...

A gentelman do not kiss and tell