Friday, September 29, 2006

The Places To Be

Ah dear Coitusers, some people are born to be losers (Harmon), some people are inherent losers (Baldee) and some people are losers from the moment that they wake up in the morning (Doc Gonz). And I’m the poor bastard that has to work with them.


Last weeks question measured the recent change in government in Thailand. Coitusers, you voted for No over Yes by a mere 14 points. An interesting standpoint for the populous.

The most interesting aspect of the takeover was it versus the movie V For Vendetta. In the movie the people rise up against their government and the theme of the movie was:
People shouldn’t be afraid of their government; the government should be afraid of its’ people.

I have genuine problem with this argument. The logic of this statement is steeped in fear; that both parties need to be kept in check in order to work. It states we only stay within the rules where we won’t get yelled at or attacked.

We should prefer to live in a society where we respect the government and wish to be active members within it. I know this sounds communistic, but why? I want to elect an official that has perhaps not my best interest in mind, but thinks of my community when they cast their votes. Perhaps this is not a realistic request and perhaps this is why society and government ultimately fail.

The question this week is far lighter, but still, perhaps poignant.

Is it fitting that Rev. Jerry Falwell resides in Lynchburg, VA?
Yes, the site is home to the Moral Majority, Christians and the distribution center for J. Crew !
Yes, in 1804 evanglist Lorenzo Dow stated "I conceived [it] to be the seat of Satan's Kingdom... a deadly place for the worship of God."
Free polls from

Ahh, leading off dear Coitusers we have an interesting article listing the angriest cities in America. Sure it’s from Men’s Health and—actually, I have only know one person in my entire life that has ordered Men’s Health though I did send in the card for a buddy of mine once as a joke, it was awesome but his wife hated it. He was the sort of jones that wanted to get into a frat but wasn’t cool enough. It was awkward. Good article anyway, enjoy!

Chuck Palahnuik where are you now? Why do we continually need to feed our ambitions and violence into video games and movies because we’re too afraid of real life? These little Elf Quest freaks need to get lives.

This isn’t a link so much as a thought. Is it possible to call the entire nation of China a “Fucker”? I mean to each individual would you be able to do it? Taking into consideration the amount of births occurring divided by the shortness of the time it actually takes to say “Fucker” compounded by the amount of time it would take to get the individual into the room. Yes… I have given this a fair amount of thought.

1 comment:

MF said...

does it have to be chinese people or can we just randomly select a billion folks and let fly. I mean, just accounting for travel time to and from china would limit my count prohibitively. I'm in middle america here, my access to china is somewhat limited.