Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the scientific thought process of dr gonzo on her 1995 chevy cavalier

fact: this is my very first vehicle, bought in 1997
fact: it's been >6000 miles since my last oil change
fact: i am putting 1 can of power steering fluid in my vehicle every other day
fact: i need to put more coolant in the vehicle
fact: my car makes 32 different noises
fact: i have 2 half containers of coolant, 1 half container of power steering fluid, and winshield washer fluid in my trunk
fact: i smelled sweetish smoke while on my way to work this morning while in two locations, away from other vehicles
fact: my car needs to be retired
fact: while attempting to drive stick shift this weekend, i stalled in excess of 50 times
fact: i love said stick shift vehicle
fiction: said stick shift vehicle loves me back
delusion: my car will last me till winter
conclusion: tears, frustration and a little manning up will ensue in the following week. also, a bit of research for a worthy cause to which i willl donate my vehicle.
fact: that's one nice tax deduction

1 comment:

MF said...

oh snap! I believe you can only claim the tax write off if you own a home. I know that was the case when I wanted to donate one of my cars.