Monday, September 18, 2006

7 of Balddees Overrated 20 Films

Every Monday for the remainder of this Month I will be bitching about Things I Hate the Topic for now .

7 of Balddes 20 most overrated films ever I don't care how many awards or Great reviews these films have received they suck so deal with it .
I am not interested in your opinions of other films that suck this aint a free for all so don't bother telling me what you think sucks I didn't ask .

Gone with the Wind :



Bad acting lame story I hate when a movie is constructed to make you feel sad or whatever I don't like stuff spoon feed to me. Also lets get this straight they will do there best to hide a fucking Alien but they don't want any Minorities in the Burbs Fuck that frog die ya long fingered freak .

Kill Bill 1 &

This Crap counts as 2 films people for those of you keeping score .
I know a lot of people like Taratino I am not one of those people. I give no one an easy way in jus because everyone like there work .
I think a lot of his films are just plain crap and this is one of them, I wanted to like this film and I tried VERY HARD. I love my blood and Guts and Samurai Swords but overall the film just sucked for me it was a case of Hype that ran amuck .

Pulp Fiction :

Again another film where Hype takes center stage. The only reason you like this film is because you were told to like it .
Travolta danced again wow really that's the clip that they always show to reference how great this film was really .
Again I wanted to like this film but the story did nothing for me and not to pick on Travolta but his hip street accent got on my last fucking nerve .

Broke Back Mountain :
This will probably offend a lot of people but fuck you .
Again this is a another example of an emotionally driven film being pushed upon us .
It was intentionally done in a manner so that those involved could win acclaim and awards. Hence cashing in on the real struggles of Gay People if they really wanted to go for something real and Make a statement why not hire 2 gay actors to play the role.

It's a fucking play if you want to honor the concept then spread the acclaim and praise to the actors on Broadway who bring this crap to life every fucking night .


dr gonzo said...

i hope you continue this list of Hated Movies. you are most definitely brave for hating Kill Bill. i agree that 1 & 2 does not equal two movies, but one long movie. i also agree that the hype was too huge. but c'mon, how many other women-kick-serious-ass movies do you know? (although, i still dont believe Uma could hold up a real sword if her life depended on it - i still like the premise).

balddee2 said...

I couldn't take Uma on as a killer it was all to cheesy I think it would of been better had it been an Animation feature .

Most of Taratino's films gets this rave like underground cool rating when in actuality the great deal of them suck

dr gonzo said...

ooo... anime... why didnt i think of that?

Anonymous said...

What happened to Remo? He actually made reading film reviews enjoyable. BD2, I give your review of reviews an "Av", which is an A with half a w. You've got a long way to go to get to AW, much less AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of your overrated movies. I think you are genius to suggest they hire gay actors for brokeback! Why didn't they do that! There are a few of them - I might have seen that movie if Rupert 'really hot' Everett was in it.

However, have to say I do like Gone with the Wind and don't you see the satisfied look on Scarlett's face the next morning?

Oh and I like Chicago, but it's better on stage.

I look forward to your next 13!
