Thursday, June 01, 2006


In shallow breath he sits on the mountain top, waiting for the peak while holding the Bishop close. The Bishop with its' cracked and imperfect tower top; the poor Bishop who had no idea that he was really a pawn in this game.

The skyline is a new form of blue, one that has never been seen before. It wraps its' cloak about them like good Father Dream. Daring to want more out of life and reminding all how insignificant and fickle desire is.

In a rasp, a direction is formed and crushed: Happiness and the Wanton Pleasure; the objectivity of balance in life and the quest for the fulfillment of the Soul.

When you've hit bottom there is no where to go but up, so it is written. And so he climbed the mountain again, mostly because it was there. Looking out at the vastness below him he felt sorry because he knew that he was no longer master of the domain.

Then his voice gave out with the lack of oxygen. In a shallow breath he holds the Bishop close and pretends that everything will be okay, while he sits in his fortress of solitude. He grabs the Bishop one last time feeling his friend suffer an unmemorable little death then go limp. With care he tucks it away and with a gentle whisper “Go to sleep my little time bomb.”


Anonymous said...

ok, i really enjoyed this entry and i hate to defoul it with this comment, but alas, i must. i am compelled.

Your dumb ass link to What Would Tyler Durden Do is bad for business. It definitely devalues your site’s credibility. I highly recommend you remove it post haste.

- the bad link police

MF said...

wait - we have credibility?

MF said...

I am fascinated by this. We have like 6 people who read this site and that link was up for an hour and it gets sassed. I know this might be rough but in what way do you find the site bad? Do you have any specific issues? Help me out here. I want to learn.

Anonymous said...

its about celebrities. bad ones. how is this interesting?