Friday, October 13, 2006

The Places To Be

A glorious Friday the 13th to one and all. On this Holiday, of sorts, let us not lose perspective on hwat is most important: Cat Sacrifices. Please let us know how you slayed your cat and we’ll make sure to post your email next week! If anybody needs a cat to sacrifice please contact me as well. I have two (not Pedro of course). One is rather large and the other is quite cagey. But… you know, first come first serve.

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend salutations are in order to our Canadian Coitus Cousins to the North. While the actual day does not arrive until next Monday, it is still good to know that fellowship will be occurring somewhere in the world. Especially if it is a day spent breaking bread with the Thanksgiving cat coming out of the oven (where the cat is perfectly cooked, not too tender not too dry with a nice stuffing).


Last weeks question of the week ended with our most lopsided victory as you pathetic, non-God loving, bleeding hearts voted in a resounding fashion. You, Coitusers, stated that Lynchburg is a fitting home to Jerry Falwell because it is also the home of J. Crew. Emails from the BMC to see if J. Crew ever considered including religious passages on their articles of clothing (a la the In and Out Burger) have not been answered.

From the deposit of paychecks to the use of check cards while buying food at a grocery store electronic money seems to surround us. With the exception of the major hiccup of the Millennium Bug there has been little opposition to electronic money and in fact the currency continues to build and become a more powerful tool for the future. With the creation of ATM’s and electronic deposit the physical bank has become more and more invisible to the common man.

How comfortable with electronic money are you?
Very and I understand the system well.
Very and don't care about the system as long as there is money in my account
I'm neither uncomofrtable nor comfortable with it.
Not at all. Having electronic money is a recipe for disaster.
Don't know and don't care.
Free polls from

Here is another brilliant and informative site brought to you by the smartest people in the world. As frequent followers of Bad Mother Coitus know this website is a blue state website and very pro Ninja. We despise the red stated Pirates that seek to usurp us. Ask A Ninja is both informative as well as helpful. This segment, which dispenses advice on how to kill a ninja, is offered to our pirate brethren both as an olive branch and a foreboding warning.

This may seem like an innocent proposition but I assure you as an American you should oppose this with every bit of God loving patriotism within you. First they’ll start being in our homes, then people will start saying we cannot treat them as lesser beings and then, finally, some liberal sympathizers will implore all of us not to eat them for Thanksgiving. Lest we forget, please view this hard hitting picture.

It would seem that Mr. T has not only begun his own talk show but is also helping our President. Instead of “pitying fools” our President is declaring things “intolerable”. The best bit is when President is talking to some eighth graders about how their test scores are “intolerable”. Pot is to ______ what us pitying a fool is to our President.

To bring the article full circle the artist of this week is a Canadian girl who goes by the name of Esthero. Her voice lacks the sweet soul of the finer jazz singers and ends up sounding more in the realm of a pop singer with a sense of history. Still her music does grip to a body like refreshing breeze after leaving a sweaty dance floor. It grooves and chills you out like a beer at the bar; not taking you out of the party but giving you that sultry acidic jazz that taps a tow while making you feeling cooler than you are.

1 comment:

dr gonzo said...

your question of the week totally sucks. it's not funny, it's not even interesting. why? will you please, mule, expound on your little tirade about electronic funds?

however, the mr. t find is precious. my only wish is that i could grab some of those sound bites for my error messages on my work computer. "the jibber jabber stops here!"

oh, and an interesting thought: can a canadian be edgy?