Friday, July 21, 2006

Man Bra

One thing about L.A. is you get very self conscious of your body and that can have a good and bad effect on you in my case .

I stopped smoking which is feat within itself, no Patch people just cold turkey .

And I started to take up running.

And I must admit I am feeling better it works hand in hand with my therapy .

Now before you all think were is he going with all of this .

Well as always it's starts with story

I was sitting in a park, listening to some music and I was actually content no rage just content with all that was around me .

That's when it hit me .

I think there needs to be a Man Bra.

I know it sounds odd and it's not an original idea or is it?

We have all heard of Man Boobs and lets face it we as a nation, are not the fittest .

While I was at the park this was made clear to me it's L.A. so I seen the beautiful people but then time after time I saw guys jogging and just man boobs flopping all over the place and trust me I wanted no part of this!!!!

I would turn away and boom it was there it kind of reminded me of the Scene from the High Anxiety and the Pigeons ( nuff said ) .

Well it was like that, but in the most Horrible Fashion I mean I literally was running back to my Rehab Center and everywhere I turned arghh...

It was like a sick Twilight Zone joke , gone were all the hot young girls jogging or rollerblading, just that all around me .

I grasped for air once I reached the safety of my Rehab Room I locked the door and Wept for a good 30 minutes sitting in the Fetal position .

I am now staying at the Clinic for an additional week .

1 comment:

MF said...

dude why did you go to venice beach if you wanted to see chicks? admit it, you went to see the schwetty schwetty manracks and you got what you needed.