Hey. This is Todd Dancer. I'm the ombudsman for this stupid site. I don't know exactly what that means but I think I get to rip on these jackasses and get away with it so I'm pumped up. I guess I'm supposed to check with what "the people" want and report on it but I seriously don't think that matters. There's like 5 people who have emailed this site and most of them can't type too good. There's one old guy named Bob who seems to be from Pequot Lakes and he isn't too happy with our choice of name. Hey, don't blame me you crazy old fucker, I din't come up with it. That's all Mule. The other people seem to want to know just who the heck Mule and Harmon are and if those are their real names. Well yeah they're real. I don't write all this crap myself. Mule also goes by Jackass but that's his name all right. By the way Harmon totally told me not to do that joke because he said you people wouldn't think it's funny. But I know funny and that shit is funny. Stupid Fuckers. To be honest I don't even hang out with these guys all that much. They like to do stupid crap together like curling and play Halo and I don't have time for that nonsense. If it doesn't involve chicks loving me up then I'm not interested. Spending a night in a basement with a bunch of dudes playing a game is totally lame right? Heck, they don't even invite me anymore, they totally know I'm off scoring with some lady so why bother? God they suck. And I don't mean that like Golly these fellas sure suck. I mean that I was telling God that they suck. I communicate with the big guy in the sky. So anyway, I've told you about myself right? Who cares, you people suck. I guess im not supposed to tell ya everything about us but we're Minnesota boys and we like it. Minne is where it's at bitches!
So, the site. I guess I just go through and point out what I don't like about the past blogs or whatever. I can tell you that mule used the word "accutrement" like 19 times in the past coupla weeks. he says it all the time in normal confersation too. I don't even know what it means. Nobody does right? Totally.
I also know that Harm said that 311 was from the OC, waaaaay off nutsucker. Their from Omaha. Last time I checked Wyoming was nowhere near the OC. Harm is the laziest fucker ever. seriously. He didn't look up that writer dude's name either in that post about the Gun movie. Totally lazy. It was from a while ago, go check it out.
I could complian about these dorks forever but I just wanted to introduce myself to you people. If you need anything just email me at badmothercoitus@yahoo.com and put my name, Todd Dancer in the subject line and I'll make sure we adress it in the future on this lame site.