That's how long it took me to get to work today thanks to a gentle powdering of snow. For those of you with your heads firmly up your butts BMC HQ is based in Minnesota. It snows here on occasion. This wasn't a problem in the past but we have some new people in the state and they're slowing things down. I don't know why you people insist on coming up here. It's cold 6 months out of the year, there's a chance for serious injury or death just because you want to go to the grocery store to get your mitts on some mac n' cheese. Do people in California or Arizona have to worry about this? And no, I'm not talking about normal run of the mill bad driving or whatever, I'm talking about people who know what they're doing and all of a sudden they're in a ditch and they don't even get to knock back their mac n' cheese and wash it down with a nice Pinot. It's ridiculous. So again, why are people moving here? I was going to do some research on google to see what the census bureau said about people moving here but then I realized I'm Harmon and I don't do those sorts of things. In fact I had a little chuckle with my laptop. We looked at each other and giggled at the thought of me doing research and then went back to the post. It was a nice moment.
So anyway I'm fairly confident that more people move here than move out, so there's more of us. Which is always bad. That, coupled with the fact that the Twin Cities metro area has the roads necessary to carry traffic efficiently only if this were 1947 makes for a bad combo. I'm just telling you folks in warmer climes, stay there. It's not totally that I'm anti-people either, although thats most of it. But I'm already stuck here. I've got family and history and a jobby job and all that here. Heck I even have friends. If I have children I will have several people willing to babysit for free. No matter how sunny it can be in Florida I can't lose out on something like that. What's the point of having kids if you don't know how to get rid of them? Like I said, I'm already dead and buried in Minnesota under 6 feet of family and friends and another couple feet of snow. But you people, you Nebraskans, you Hawaiians, You Kentuckers, you don't need to perish with me. Stay home. Or move to Alabama. It won't necessarily benefit you but it would be an interesting social experiment if it happened. Speaking of which, how much do Alabama and Mississippi suck if people are willing to freeze their little tushies off trying to deal with Minnesota weather? I've lived in Mississippi and I've got my own thoughts on that, but I'd like to know what the locals think. Are they offended? Are they happy to see the "radicals" move out of their town? It's fascinating really. For all of you on the fence, check this out It looks awesome. Seriously. I might move there myself. You don't want to deal with snow. Snow is like Jennifer Lopez. Pretty and all, but a total pain in the ass.