Monday, May 15, 2006

Simple Car Question

With the Knight Rider Series coming to the big screen ( Don't act like your not happy about that )

Does that mean that Kit will be a Hybrid ?

Which car is better ?
The Mach 5 or KIT ?


MF said...

the real question is will we finally see Devin hit on the Hoff?

MF said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MF said...

I double posted a comment. Don't get your panties in such a bunch.

You may also have noticed that the comment was removed by the author not the moderator. But you know that's just nitpicking really.

Anonymous said...

there is no moderator. especially for the BMC.

MF said...

the point is we could choose to have a moderator. or scan the comments before they posted. or whatever it is that psychos do. but we are about the people. we love the people. so have at it.