Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Harmon Palace

A friend of mine : Lets cal him Harmon .but for some of you

In the Bay area he's known as Carmen .

A sorted past but I don't hold it against him . ( I'm saintly in that way )
Nevertheless ..

He Confided in me a sad bard, a tale most Grim.

From his past wanton ways drinking more Man Milk then any Gays He has acquired what I like to respectfully call something tainted within .

A virus if you didn't know how do I put it , gives a froth ..?? instead of Yellow snow .

A feeling that hurts between the knees ?

Oh hell it burns when little Harmy pee's .

If you read on to this silly text .

What makes his tale more complex, is that Harmon likes the ladies, and the ladies like him .

He can ,, boast with the best of men ..

Chicks dig it only, cause he is a tad Feminine .

So he can dazzle them with crap that only women care about .

He speaks there Language with such ease it's verbal milk , there weak in the knees and I can sense the sweet pu-nanny a knocking .

On the outside the unfortunate guys stand there mocking or waiting for there own chances to unfold.

But blessed as I am I'm an insider to what can only be explained proper pussy planning I watch this talking display dumbfounded it truly is a sight to behold .

But the problem , his virtue and honesty.. "which only truly works for me "

Cause when he tells the truth of his leakiness.

Oh those chicks get distressed and I step in, just as there ready to run .

He sits there with a frown , he gets them wet and I ram them to hell

I know it's lame but break it down be for real .

Those heavy chested Cock sucking lipped chicks were meant for me to steal .

Cause who wants to Spoon with a DICK that's got a drip .


Anonymous said...


MF said...

alls I know is one time balddee stepped in with a lady and she confirmed that he used one of his rings (i think it was the one with the dolphins on it) as a cockring. and, uh, his fingers aren't exactly john holmes sized.

balddee2 said...

Tighten your drip .

Blanco Gringo you got sacked.....