Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Just for the Fuck of it: Apothecary

There's no real point to the title of this little ditty. Which ties in nicely with the content of this post as it won't be about much of anything either. It's that sort of synergy between pointless title and pointless article that you've come to expect from BMC and I'm not going to let you down. It's the little things that matter right?

Well actually it's a combination of the little things and the big things and the medium things that matter but you can't fit that sort of thing on an inspirational calendar. I love these things by the way. They try to inspire you with pictures of beautiful seasides, lush tropical vistas and old mediterranean architecture. Who wouldn't be inspired by that? But I'm sitting in a cube that is some bizarre color combination of gray and tan. It's like the manufacturers couldn't decide which color was more bland so they combined the two and created a veritable black hole of thought that unfortunately no scientist could actually make black. I've gotta party with those guys. In case you're wondering - I do not normally go in for the picturesque calendars. Why remind myself of what else I'd rather be doing and where I'd like to be doing it? That just seems masochistic. But that's really here nor there.

I now interrupt this post to bring you an email from our old friend Todd Dancer who, while still on vacation, wanted to make his opinion known regarding the BMC Top Ten movie lists and debate from last week. I have added commentary to clarify some things but I've left his typos and misspellings in because they're so much fun.

What's up? I'm kicking it out in La-La Land (ed note: I don't know if Todd is actually in LA or not, I haven't seen him in a while but he doesn't have the means for this much travel so I assume he's in his mother's basement eating peanut butter and working off a hangover) and I'm having a blast. I went to a place called the Brown Hat (ed note: the brown derby) with this chick but she ditched when I wouldn't pay for her drink. bitch. Totally saw your thing on the top ten movies. as usual you guys fucked it up. that kiss bang movie was terrible. Non of it make sense (ed note: that's just an awesome failure to grasp proper tense AND a typo to boot). It's awesome that you had Sin City up there though. That movie rocked! It would ben better if Alba had taken off her top but at least that Christa Gugina (ed note: Carla Gugino - impressive that he made her last name rhyme with vagina though) showed what her daddy gave her (ed note: no idea what this means, does he think her dad gave her beautiful breasts and a great ass?). I've been looking for brittany murphy out here, i'm gonna nail her (ed note: this is probably true. he's been convinced that brittany murphy would do him for a while now. for once I think he might be right. Of course I must prevent this from happening because the exchange of STD's that would happen if they ever hooked up may either collapse the whole known universe and finally prove that youth and sex will destroy us all just like old Baptists have taught us OR Todd would finally have it made with a whacked out sugar mommy and lord it over us and I just can't take that sort of thing). Sin City was cool but if they wanted to be Rosari Dosson and Alba shoulda taken their clothes off. Then it's 1. I don't know about all these other movies, you knjow me i'm usually banging sluts intsead of watching movies you know (ed note: by "banging sluts" he means rewatching Lesbian Pooper Sluts 9 in his mother's basement I'm assuming). Hitch was pretty sweet though (ed note: no idea if he has actually seen Hitch or not but this actually seemed off the cuff and sincere, which is funny in and of itself).

Tell Mule I'll be back in a couple and I'll give him his money that he's so whiny about. I'm swinging thour Portland on the way back since it's on the way (ed note: for those of you who failed american geography like our boy here Portland,Oregon is NOT on the way back from Los Angeles to St. Paul, Minnesota.) I hear they have a ton of nudie clubs up in Portland, its gonna fucking rock!


God bless him. Just where is Todd Dancer? No one can say for sure. He may actually be out of town or he may be hanging out with some teenagers at Alley Gators bowling. Neither option would surprise me. Let me know if you see him, he owes me money too.

100% Awesome
- Watching the Japanese-released Battle Royale with friends and trying to figure out just what the hell is going on with the movie. Is it a cultural thing that we westerners don't understand? Is it just a horrible movie with the worst editing since Titanic? Help me out here. It's fantastic either way.

- Mike Sherman getting fired finally.

- Having a raindrop nail me in the forehead last night after a serious night of Asian movie watching and pretending the drop of rain slowly matriculating down my face was blood like Oh Dae Su in Oldboy.