Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You are Beautiful In the Morning

There are few finer things than those dewy first drops of morning. Waking up to that feeling of warmth and excitement, blue skies, possibilities and love all around. Sheer bliss, and that raw sensation that you are part of everything.

The opening aria to this beautiful life: a loved one sitting with you at the table, doing the daily crossword puzzle together over coffee while the rest of the house sleeps. The new dog coming up and nuzzling you under the arm for attention, temporarily breaking you away from the paper to look down and address her. The knowledge that there is good in the world, and that there are things that are worth fighting for.

Perhaps these are the delusions that go through the mind of Republicans, and what allows them their unique take on social and fiscal matters.

For the rest of us there are four degree below air temps and negative 25 windchill. Stale toast that you fought the mouse of the house over, and are still not convinced it was a fight worth winning. A check engine light merrily winking from the dash of your truck, and the eerie reality that your only reason to have left bed, and face the raw morning is to go to work.

These sorts of mornings beg for a hangover or something that would at least set the bar for a low point to to the day. Instead there are just morning people. They pop up out of nowhere, spewing their well wishes and morning inquiries to your previous night's engagements. These foul creatures will attempt humor and even use a thoroughly unnecessary high pitched voice-- they may well even laugh.

I'm not saying they should all die. I'm only saying that we should make broad new social policies that specifically dictate where and when they can talk. If this becomes too difficult perhaps we should move them all to one centralized location, like North Dakota. Because anybody that can be happy in the morning will surely be happy anywhere.

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