Monday, January 14, 2008

chapter nineteen

“If that bitch wouldn’t have shot me he wouldn’t have been that much of a bitch. I must be slipping.” Said Balddee releasing the creature at last.

“How do we move him? We only have two minutes and sixty-six seconds to get him into the hole.” Asked Satchel or Bel.

“Maybe he’ll follow the music?” replied Bel or Satchel.

Clap Your Hands, Say Yeah’s Satan Said Dance came on, and the group made a processional through the office. The creature, moving in a funeral like dirge, followed the music; the rest of the group walked behind.

They reached the cleaning supply closet and entered. Balddee stooped and threw his whole back into lifting the heavy iron door that covered the hole from whence the creature had come.

There was a grunting from behind them as the creature played his final savage card. All the creatures had re-awoken. Moving slower than they had before, and with no life left in their eyes; they stumbled down the hall towards the small group.

“Thirty seconds.” Satchel or Bel cried out. “What the fuck are we going to do with all of them?”

“Try throwing things at them?” Balddee answered, flexing his arms as he sweated the giant door.

Balddee yelled one final time and the iron door opened. “In the hole, ugly.”

Satchel or Bel threw the stereo into the hole where the creature complied, and finished his slow sad march into the hole.

An alarm sounded indicating that the time was up. Their was a scream of rage from inside the hole then the thud as the iron door clanged shut.

Then more thuds as the group behind them collapsed– their connection broken. Dead Dirty Orpheus, the last and final connection, letting out a final gasp of anguish.

“I guess their shit was weak.” Satchel or Bel exclaimed.

The four remaining survivors looked down at the wreck of the office, the barricade that held in front of Harmon’s, the pile of dead bodies who were twisted into various shapes, the emptiness of it all.

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