Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mojo Rising part 1

It's been a while since I graced the BMC office to be honest, I have been ashamed to show my face, once my fellow comrades read of my failed exploits in Europe the mockery was too much my trip to Europe had left me a broken man.

I did finish my trip however, I went to Paris and stayed there for the remainder of my time .

There I was walking around one the most lovely cities in the world sulking like a jilted lover my Mojo had been broken no getting around it .

But fear not your hero will prevail I am now inspired, how you may ask what shook me out of my funk ?

You can thank the Kim Kardashian Sex Tape for that there I sat, watching a dismal performance from her then Lover and then I had an epiphany .

I need to record my exploits for all the world to see .

Stay tuned kids

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