Monday, July 10, 2006


$3.41 - the price of a gallon of "select" milk at rainbow foods this time last year? a grande skim mocha at caribou? a hot dog and a soda from a street vendor? or, is it the price for a gallon of gas at the bp on armitage and ashland in chicago? if you said the latter, damn, you're either from chicago or a pretty good pessimist (in this case though, you'd be upgraded to "realist").

in an attempt to damn the man (and save the empire), i mapped out a route for public transporting myself to work. it involved quite the intricate beehive of walking, el train, metra train and bike. it also amounted to a one-way trip of 60 minutes and a total of aprox. $9/day (monthly train passes would bring it down slightly, but not much).

by car, my route is less than 30 miles. my car gets 28 - 30 mpg. this means, that on a hot, traffiky day, at $3/gallon i will spend a total of $6. with price hikes, we go to $6.82. 85% of the time, my commute lasts between 40 and 60 min. 2% of the time, i'm at 30 min, and 12% i'm at 1.5+ hours.

hissing and spitting (a la pedro), i have resolved myself to the blue vehicle that has been my mobile home since 1997, and have been praying ever since for the little car angels to help us along and be blessed with another year's worth of travels.

my question: who is the man? i would really like to damn him, but i cant seem to find a way to do it.


mule said...

Wow, call that one in the air. So... and I hope I'm reading you right and I like to think I am. You're mostly mad because
1) you have such a long drive to work
2) because of the increased amount of money that must be doled out so that you can suffer the sweet misery of working?

just so I can rule on who the man is

MF said...

the man is all of us. well, except for baldee. he's a total girl.

mule said...

that and they don't have grande mocha's at Caribou, those are only at Starbuck's.

Funny related story, Baldee got hooked on Starbuck's coffee after watching a marathon of Battlestar Galactica. Now he just twitches in a dark room saying "Leiutent Thrice..." we have to step over him at the office all the time.

Anonymous said...

i guess i took it for granted that the whole of the country is freaking out over gas prices and assumed the readers of BMC would understand this and take it into consideration for my rant.

gas sucks. commute is ok, but i'd like to not use gas. i cant get around it b/c the "man" decided to ignore reverse commuters when he created chicago transportation. who is this man, b/c i'd still like to show him my fist (shaking it furiously) and tell him "damn you!!! daaaamn youuu!!" for making me drive to work.

that's all.

~dr g

littlebmouse said...

Well you did kind of find a job in the place in the world where there is no public transportation.
But when you get to three years of that drive let me know and I might have some simpathy.

MF said...

i'm gonna have to agree with littleb here (and frankly i don't know if that's a good thing). try driving 2 hours everyday to and fro for 3.5 years then tell me what you think of gas prices. I've had months where I may as well have gotten a studio apt because I spent $450 on gas.

Anonymous said...

oh hell - i am NO WHERE near the insane drive you used to have. i dont pass cornfields and farmhouses in my 30 miles. at any given point, if the car gives out, i am within walking distance of a gas station. the difference between boondocks driving and city driving is immense. plus, i dont have to get up at 5am to get to work. yep. definitely not looking for sympathy here - just a way to bitch slap someone for the gas prices these days.

~dr g