Thursday, July 20, 2006


What in the world is going on .

I was up early a couple of Saturday's ago and I made the mistake of watching the normal Saturday Morning Lineup.

What could bug me so much that I would have to Blog about it ?

Well if any of you have an attention span you will have noticed that I am aside from complete psycho duh Hello that's the reason that I am in a 3 week anger management course still in L.A .

Is your hero Balddee is one big fucking geek .

So there I am looking at the Saturday Morning lineup and I was disgusted if they didn't have Batman on I think I would of went Ape Shit ( kind of like I am now)

What is it with this new generation of cartoons are you fucking kidding me!.

Enough with the card trading cartoons and shows that exploit animal fighting for profit.

Enough with the Shows based of off Sluts a the mainCharaters ( Brats )

Where are the ThunderCats, Jace and the Wheeled Warriors ,M.A.S.K , Silverhawks , SuperFreinds Well let me rephrase that Justice League is better Thundar , John Blackstar

Those were cartoons that were original and that had some entertainment value .

Oh well


MF said...

agreed. and you wonder why i hate anime? good lord n' butter look at that pokemon and dragon ball z crap. it's unwatchable. i think they made it as an epilepsy test originally.

MF said...

agreed. and you wonder why i hate anime? good lord n' butter look at that pokemon and dragon ball z crap. it's unwatchable. i think they made it as an epilepsy test originally.

Anonymous said...

This is righteous anger. If it's not that aganozingly slow moving card battle games then it's all 3rd generational rip offs of ren and stimpy.

balddee2 said...

Harmon ???
Is there a glitch in your Matrix why are you repeating yourself .
And Anime Rocks ( Some of it)

mule said...

It's tough. There are good cartoons on Saturday. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kim Possible, Sisgma Six (to some extent).

And Harm, it's okay, you have to be kinda smart to like anime, you have to read books and love mythology. I can see how this would be difficult for you.

Hey good for you football training camps starts up in a couple of weeks! Rejoice

balddee2 said...

And drunk .
I think your anger is aimed at Sharmon I mean Harmon

MF said...

I like that grimlock actually types the way you'd expect him to. top shelf work right there. anime is for retards.