Thursday, September 04, 2008

Gay Republicans Part 3

I light a cigarette prior to explaining neo-conservatism to Balddee. While perhaps all political parties are in part to blame for the no smoking bill, at least these folks I don't mind if I offend.

"You see Bald-O," Says I, clenching down on the end of my cigarette, letting the smoke roll deliciously out my nose, "They believe in the Republican idiom of don't tread on me. Or: Don't take my money even though they're not thinking of it from the big picture."

"I don't get it." Balddee says.

"You commie bastards. You think just because we don't want to give up our money, the money we worked for no less, that we don't care. We give more money to charities than your tight liberal asses do; it's just we get to choose who we are giving our money to."

"I don't get it." Balddee says.

"So are you saying that we're supposed to trust everybody to give to charities? Like we're supposed to trust in businesses to 'Do the Right Thing'?"

"But they're gay?" Balddee says.

"Yeah, but who gives you guys jobs? You get jobs from the businesses that we give tax breaks to."

"But you're gay?" Balddee says.

"True, but that mattered something before businesses acted like they were doing us a favor in giving us jobs then started moving those jobs overseas. Not to mention that they stopped paying the 40% of the taxes that they were paying back in the 1950s. You people make everybody afraid for their jobs, instill fear in people that the government is trying to take their money rather than help them, and then tell me I'm not American because of it."

"Who are you calling You People?"

"Oh go suck a cock."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"No, because people's sexual preferences shouldn't be contingent upon their beliefs."

"Exactly. Now there is the meaning of a being a Gay Republican."

"What just happened?" Balddee says.

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