Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I inspire prt2

I turn my attention away from him return to people watching . My vibe is pleasant my Chi energy is as POSITIVE as I can get and that’s saying a lot kids .( read past Blogs ) KS is just rambling on about the current Political Climate Hilary this , McCain that, Obama this … I for one don’t really care at the moment , I just want to take in the sites .
But he keeps going on and on not seeing what I’m seeing even though I point out ALL THIS WONDERMENT SURROUNDING US to him He wants to complain and requests more Brussels Sprouts for his veggie Entre I can feel the rage just bubbling to the forefront when all of the sudden my thought are cut short by someone saying .

“Jezz Son Your Fucking Up HIS VIBE .” To my surprise two Elderly ladies sitting behind me had been watching our pathetic table drama unfold they were getting up to leave from their own meal and one of them placed her hand on my shoulder and thanked me for reminding them to stop grumbling and take in the beauty of their city and with that they left their tip and walked away Rare is it that I’m known for creating Warm Fuzzys . I felt invigorated
Manhattan still inspires me .

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