Sunday, May 18, 2008

Black Balloon

Several years ago VH1 launched a show where people would talk about songs that had influenced their lives, and describe the emotion they felt because of them. Before the onset, the possibilities were limitless; a show to promote real life situations and tie them to the emotion of music seemed as close to perfection as is humanly possible. But then the show aired, and put on display how shallow and boring people really are.

There is only one story that I recall from that show. One about a jones who had been dumped by his girl and Bryan Adam's song Cut Like a Knife came on the radio. He said it sucked because whenever he heard that song it would always remind him of that situation where they had been sitting in his truck and she told him she didn't love him anymore.

Several years go by and either jones has obviously moved on or stopped listening to Bryan Adams all together. He and his smoking hot new girlfriend enter the local bar and who should be there but his ex-girlfriend, and what song should be the juke box but Cuts Like a Knife. Jones says that he and his ex-girlfriend made eye contact and he just smiled at her. The circle was now complete; he had regained the song.

Now quite obviously anybody that listened to Bryan Adams obviously has issues enough. Likewise any social degenerate that carries that much animosity towards somebody for something as silly as dumping them probably should be seeing a shrink. His explanations of the song and the break-up are surely enough damning evidence to point in his ex's favor in any relationship court; especially if she would've presented evidence that he had a small penis, was terrible in the sack and she had moved on to some muscular Latino lover.

Still, it would've been a lot cooler if he would've played Black Balloon.

Black Balloon - The Kills

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