Monday, January 15, 2007

New York Chronicles Part 2 : Getting there is half the Fun

Patience is a virtue and Balddee is a receptacle for peace, at least that’s what I told my Anger Management counselor o yeah where was I.. Sitting at the airport for 3 hours waiting to be picked up by some people I did not know and they didn’t answer there phone.
The old level of tolerance was running thin after an additional 30 minutes of no return phone calls I get a buzz and on the phone is some lady laughing

"hey where here" she belts out "Where are you at?"

I told them what door to meet me at and after that said my pleasantries hung the phone up and proceeded outside where I get my first glance of the dynamic duo I was nice, as nice as I could be, heck part of the wait was my own fault so I couldn’t be that sore, I was greeted by Terrance a thin frail type of fellow the best way to describe him …think Icabod Crane from the Disney Cartoon, with a thick Tom Selleck mustache ( And yeah I spelled Ic's name incorrectly but you get the idea so shut it and keep reading ) he came out with a smile dressed in a very Red suit and I mean Red from the coat the pants the Shirt and shoes, think a very anorexic Kool Aid Man.

Sitting in the passenger seat was Kecia Strawberry Blonde smoking Parliaments thru one of those cigarette holders... ah kind of like the one you see maybe Betty Davis using in an old 50s film, I have never been one for small talk but I had to oblige, I decided to learn more about my new roomies Kecia stated she knew Trina for 10years so I had to ask "I didnt see you guys at Trinia’s wedding" I would remember this couple.

Kecia smiled and explained they were at an art exhibit in Sweden and they couldn’t get away huh? I asked more questions trying to figure out why I have never met this couple before turns out Terrance originally is from Brussels but came to the U.S when he was 15 he is a Painter, Sculptor and everything in between which I commend anyone who can make a living at what they love and that was the reason for missing the Wedding made sense Kecia is originally from Tennessee and meet Trina in college and they have been friends since I had more questions but that was cut short .

"We need to make a pit stop" Terrance says with a smirk "Why what’s up"
I replied,
"We have to go to Brooklyn" he says
"Brooklyn now ... really?" I replied keeping my tone in check .

"You will like it." he exclaimed.

Now keep in mind I got into town late and I have been at the Airport for almost 4 hours then there’s the traffic into the City and then from there Kool Aid Man wants to stop off in Brooklyn, which usually I would not mind except Mark’s place is in Manhattan .I let Terrance know that I would much rather just get to Mark’s place and rest up, get rid of my luggage ya know settle in before I party down if that was o.k. .
But they both wouldn’t hear of it so off we were to Brooklyn with me in back helpless to do anything about the current situation.

Don’t get me wrong I grew up in Brooklyn so I was not being a snob but I just wanted to free myself up, but my inner whine fest had to take a back seat cause we arrived in Brooklyn and pulled into an alley where , waiting with a big old jacket was the security guard well he was of sorts anyway he stopped us Kecia rolled down her window and showed a Yellow badge upon seeing that , we were waved in to a parking lot found a spot and parked the car.


mule said...

Dude... not to freak you out but your new friend Terrance sounds like he may be a gay porn star. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Many people like gay porn.

balddee2 said...

And you bring this up because ???