Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Conversations ~ three of nine

i saw an old photo of myself.
how old were you?
i don't know. i'm good with memories and monuments, not age.
i was old enough to know i wasn't unbreakable. but i hadn't been broken yet.
there's a certain kind of grace required of getting older.
grace is just a pretty way of handling failure.
so your plan is to dismiss it?
you have no plan.
it wasn't a question.
i know.
the boy in the picture, what did he want in life?
that's the only part about my past that i understand. i didn't know what i wanted back then either.
so you never grew up?
i've grown.
we learn a lot as time passes. sometimes we don't realize it.
the more time you've had the less it means.
that applies to more than just time.
what about a life?
that's for you to decide.
i'm not good with decisions.
decisions are made whether you make them or not.
yes. no.
do you want to be the little boy in the photo again?
no. i just want him to get what he deserved.
what's that?


Anonymous said...

Who asks the questions, Satchell or Bel?

Anonymous said...

Every one of these entries is so beautiful.


Anonymous said...
