Tuesday, August 31, 2010

St. Paul Part 3

Steve re-squinted his eyes at the menu board, attempting to figure out the new type of drink he wanted to order. But his train of thought was cut short as the woman behind the counter asked "So, how are things?"

"Steve thinks he's going to order a different drink today." He said, letting his face play into a caricature of doubts for her benefit.

She switched her brown eyes over to Steve, pushing a wisp of hair behind her ear, "Oh really?"

"Yeah." Steve said still looking up at the board, oblivious to the grumblings in the line behind him. "I was thinking something sweeter."

She pretended to screw her mouth and eyes into thought, looking away from Steve with a wink. "We could throw some white chocolate in, flavor it with some vanilla and almond?"

Steve worried. "I'm not really a big fan of white chocolate."

"How about vanilla and almond? It tastes just like a Christmas cookie."

"Well, it's too hot out for Christmas." Steve broke his concentration with the menu, pulling out his wallet. "Better just give me the usual."

She relayed the order over to her barista and turned back to them. "I'm buying today."

"You bought yesterday." Steve said, throwing a generous tip into the bowl.

"Yeah, but that's just cos I like you guys. Jimmy, usual cuppa?" she asked, handing him the coffee she had already prepared.

"Thanks, Emma." Jimmy said, then thought about it. "What are you doing tonight?"


"What are you doing after work?" he looked over at Steve for support, but Steve was already collecting his mocha. "The two of us were thinking about catching a quick drink after work. You should come along."

Emma looked nervously at the line or in a look to think this over more, he couldn't be sure. She said "I'm supposed to meet a friend."

Jimmy didn't waste any time, he just impulsed "Sounds boring. Bring them along. Come on, I guarantee good times. I haven't done that in years."

This time she brushed the strand of hair that was already behind her ear. "I'll think about it. Or, I mean, I'll, you know, I'll talk it over with my friend, and together, we'll, sorta, see what we can do."

"Five-thirty, We'll all meet at McGovern's. It'll be fun."

She smiled this time "Definitely maybe."

Jimmy and Steve left the line with their coffees, heading back through the skyway, listening to her ask the next person in line "So, how are things?"

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