Thursday, November 01, 2007

chapter seven

Marjorie looked over at Dr. Gonzo with a new found respect; the blade from the paper cutter still quivered from the deathblow Dr. Gonzo had driven through Dead Simon #2.

“We need to get them all into Remo’s office.” Mule said, looking down at all the dead bodies and carnage that littered the main hallway in the office. “If they came back to life Todd and Remo could too.”

“I need to get something from my desk.” Marjorie said, her stare having moved away from Dr. Gonzo towards the mess of blood that now Rorschached the floor.

“Everybody leaves in pairs now, but we should only leave if we have to.” Commanded Harmon, “We know where everybody is now and we don’t need anybody turning into one of these.” He paused and gripping the Kent Hrbek special tighter poking the body of the corpse next to him. “We don’t need anybody turning into one of these things.”

Dr. Gonzo, coming to grips with everything said, “I’ll go with you. I need something, anything. I can’t be here anymore. I don’t want to stare at these bodies.”

“I’m going to go to my office.” Marlon Maxey said. “I think that the previous owner of the building left information in the transfer of sale on a second emergency exit. I’ll just be across the hall, you’ll hear me if something comes after me.”

The majority of the group fretted in front of Remo’s office deciding how to erect a barricade; the entire group figuring that Remo would’ve had the best idea. Dr. Gonzo and Marjorie walked down the hall until they hit the intersection one path leading into the break room, the other towards Marjorie’s desk.

“Go grab whatever it is that you need from your desk.” Dr. Gonzo told Marjorie, “We’ll be able to see each other if something happens and besides, this way we’ll be able to get back to everybody faster.”

Marjorie nodded her consent and found her way in the emergency lighting to her desk. She removed a sheet of paper from the top right drawer, a seven inch blade from a file cabinet and a magnum from the planter in the corner. In the dull light she wrote:


Things have turned bad here fast and I don’t know if I’m going to make it out. I don’t know who is behind all of this but I don’t plan on finding out. There must be somebody here doing this and… if this is the only way that I’ll ever be able to see you again then I’ll have to do this. There has been so much blood already. I don’t want to be the next one.

If I don’t make it out of here… Well, you know I love you. I really was looking forward to our date tonight. It would be easy for me to give up now… I love you, and either here or somewhere down the road I’ll be waiting for you.



She folded the note and left it underneath the phone on her desk; a sound, like a dish breaking came from the break room. She gathered herself up and let out the briefest of sighs then walked down the back hallway, tracking her first kill.

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