Thursday, April 20, 2006


First - A review.

While on a well deserved vacation far away from BMC HQ I have been said to have the following issues by my good buds Balddee and Mule.

-An STD picked up during a blowjob (regrettably giving and not receiving) binge in the Castro.
-A General gayness.
-A talent for talking to women cuz I'm so feminine.
-I was called Blanco Gringo (which I actually like, nice work wondernuts).

For this Balddee will forfeit all rights to my wisdom when it comes to dealing with his wife in the future. I helped this man get a ps2 and this is how he repays me? Shame sir! Shame! The next time you need help explaining why you paid $75 on a Conan box set go ask Mule, see where that gets you.

So I'm back. I was on a world tour of my friend's moms. By the way - Mule give your mom a call and let her know the dog's okay. She worries when she's gone for so long. Oh and Balddee, I don't know if Blanco Papi is the same thing as Blanco Gringo but your ma sure likes to call me that. Especially after a couple mohitos. Good lord n' butter.

I'm not gonna get into the whole gay namecalling thing we had going on here for a while. I'm just going to throw out some pictures and let you, the good and intelligent masses, decide for yourself.

First off, the discussion surrounding the women of Battlestar Galactica and their collective hotness. They're not hot. I'm 100% positive on this one. They SEEM hot because they are working on a nerdalicious tv show but they are, in fact, not hot. But this isn't anything to be ashamed of. A girl's hotness is directly related to whether she does things you, the beholder, like.

Let's say a girl is a 7 on the ol' 0-10 scale. For me, if that girl owns a Jeep Wrangler, has a good golf swing or drinks scotch straight then she is a 10. The cooler the girl the hotter she becomes. Pretty simple. Balddee is the biggest scifi geek I know so obviously he's using this formula on his precious BG girls. For the record here is a photo comparison of Starbuck (old show, male) and Starbuck (new show, purportedly female). Thanks for arching that back baby, for a second I had you confused with the dude from the 70s. That was hot. Just so we're clear - I don't blame Balddee for this. I mean, if you can get a girl to throw away her entire acting career, agree to go to geekfests and sign tshirts for 300 lb teenagers AND do it on a channel nobody watches, well, I'm just saying it's probably not that hard to talk that girl into doing whatever kind of deviant sex you can dream up. I mean, Anal must be a walk in the park for a girl like that right?

Oh, and here's an artist's rendering of Dee, Balddee's favorite, just for shits n' giggles. I think this is one of those caricatures you can get at the mall if you're under 10 years old or a fucking retard.

Also, for someone being so concerned with other's Mo-ness (that's short for Homo for you kids scoring at home) I find it interesting that Balddee drives an Xb. Here's a photo.
I think it's actual size. When he drives it I think his head sticks out of the sunroof. Not sure though, it's hard to focus through the tears in my eyes and the violent bursts of laughter.

And I'm not saying that the xb would fit in on Mariokart, I'm just saying that it would be nice to go out on the town in the thing sometime without Bowser throwing red turtle shells at us. That's all. I don't judge.


balddee2 said...

I will let your little comments go .

Not because they were clever cause they were not .

And not because they were funny cause they were not .

I will let it go because I am better then you .

Sometimes being the better man is the harder road but I will take it .

In fact as of today all my future Articles for B.M.C

Will be aimed at the public interest then bashing 2 insignificant mistakes of humanity .

I will return to BMC's mission statement.

My comments from this time on will only deal with those subjects.

And with that I move on .

MF said...

dude you couldn't move on if you worked for UHaul. You are probably, at this very moment, dreaming up new and fantastic ways to call me a cocksmoker.

Anonymous said...

I think it is in the public interest to bash these two.