Monday, February 25, 2008

I want u !!!!

Evil Smurf wants your VOTE !!

I want to toss my hat in the Political arena! Tired of the Political Right ? Tired of the Political Left ?

Tired of the fake politicians saying whatever they can to win you vote, and then once in office your needs are forgotten .

I have an exit strategy for any situation in any War torn Country that includes Iraq , I have a plan for Health Care , I have a plan to stop Cat Juggling ( Just want to see if your Paying attention. )

I have a plan that consists of a plan that includes a Solid Plan . I am the most qualified to represent this great Nation look at my competition .

  • Nader is Running as an Independent but he's on the Republican Payroll ( nuff said )

  • McCain, if someone walks up behind him he will have a heart attack. He cant fully raise his arms can you really trust someone who cant raise there arms fully ?

  • Barack Obama sounds like a Star Wars Character not a Predsident .

  • Hillary Clinton she should be running a Hip Hop Label.

  • Huckabee I just hear the Dueling Banjoes whenever someone says his name

My name is Lucious Evil Smurf and I want your vote

1 comment:

Evilsmurf said...

Do you have a website