Thursday, March 20, 2008

Conversations ~ four of nine

where was I?
in the past.
how long?
as long as you needed. your childhood.
it was limited and free.
you're being poetic.
people don't talk like that.
the great tragedy of modern man may be the loss of poetry in everyday language and the absence of suits and hats.
if only that were the only great tragedy.
what else is there?
you are not one of those people.
none of us are. until the day we are.
the anger has to go somewhere.
what anger?
it's in my mind when i wake up.
don't we all have that?
whether you have it or not doesn't matter. i do.
what do you have to be angry about?
no one knows who i am.
so show them.
i can't.
i don't want to surround myself with confused and angry people.
have you hidden yourself that well?
yes. dammit.

1 comment:

mule said...

so what happens when they get to conversation 9 of 9... do their heads explode with the sheer awesomness of it all?