Tegan and Sarah -- This Business of Art
Angst for the memories...
It's been a weird week... it's been a good week... it's been a week... The older I get in life the more I have embraced the ideology: it is not a party unless I'm there. Egocentric at best but at the same time it has allowed me to accept many of the sliders and curveballs that life has thrown at me or at the very least, deal with them.
Madison is a tough city no matter how you approach it. With friends it is an occasion for a hangover and trouble on all fronts. With family it is an emotional needle, a tool designed to help you but first it must break the skin. I found out about dead uncles, raped aunt's, sleep walking grandfathers that walk into the room eating pie. And yet this was extreme quality time with my Mom where the two of us connected on that level of people that love each other.
I had no intention of going to Chicago. A friend of mine, (well sister of a friend) wished me Happy Thanksgiving and so I went- I was of course a day late. There was no itinerary or rough plans it was just to be there. I had high intentions for my eventual return but now they're all gone and some other city must discover itself on my horizon.
Plangents bray loud and new directions must be taken. I've been lying low at work for calling in sick, last weekend, mildly praying I'm discovered so they fire me, scared to death they will. I've been missing Chicago for the memories which is at once beautiful and wrong. An old friend of mine instructed me to get over it move on, which feels like the vomit I left somewhere on State Street. But she is most likely right...
How do you choose the parties? Is it the people, the place or the possibilities?
When I go to the record store I need to have an album in mind or else I make an unwise optio

You start by pressing play and the disc spins Get Innocous! to be modest your start playing at five then, by increments, the song is eventually turned to eleven. It is a listener’s album giving itself to you in movements. Someone Great, All My Friends, New York I Love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down make a day, a trip, a life flow by in such color that living experience are augmented and your life seemingly improves.
Other Reviews
Pitchfork, Metacritic
I had w

I am a fan of Ani Difranco. That said I am a fan of Ani Difranco and don’t understand why their needs to be more people trying to steal her sound. I love where Tegan and Sarah ended u; the songs that I have heard from The Con sound fantastic. But I've been disappointed with this album and have yet to make it all the way through.
I left Chicago on a Monday, stabbing North to the Sota. That day I did achieve the hangover I so richly deserved. And so from the Northside to Wisconsin I listened to one song. Wash, rinsed and repeated; wrong song, right chord.
New York I Love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down
LCD Soundsystem
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