Overly shallow people that want to be deep. Philosophy majors are the sorts of people that fail to think for themselves and so hide themselves behind quotes of others. Either that or perhaps they're all failed History majors. Regardless here is their top 100 books of all time *yawn*
In an attempt to further broaden music the Covers Project has been born. The creators of this website hope to continue to expand the project with more music and thus introduce people to new bands through the songs that they love or else introduce music to the masses through modern renditions.
An interesting take on being black, comedian and in New York. Not unlike Balddee except that this guy is funny.
Anybody that is gangstalked or believes that they are being gangstalked deserves at least a few inches of column on this website. He does tend to go on quite a bit but I enjoy such Hemmingway titles as Gangstalked in the Rain.
Attacks like these are fun! Jerks that take up two parking spots should be punished. Here is the apology note that somebody left the individual after hitting their car.
It is never too early to start thinking about Richtermas. This year the talk was of replacing the t-shirts with patches or... perhaps these lovely key chains. I remain nonplussed. Honestly, I think that we can do better than this.
Finally good citizens of the world have united and recognized the evilness and inherent evil that books possess.
This is the greatest flash game ever made... i hate it.... i love it...
I still believe that Star Trek is one of the finest television programs ever made.
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I'm sure one of those guys will get back 2u
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