The battle for the Dominance of tomorrow begins today!!
…or at least the apathy of tomorrow. Apathy, I think, is more or less our future (take that Whitney Houston!).
Regardless, in a rather brash sense of nationalism (or cityism) this website is going on record to challenge the evil doers [booooooooooooo] of 10lees Inc. [booooooooooo!] to a simple game of chance over the upcoming sporting match between the Chicago Bears [loud rejoicing & much merry making] and their playoff opponents the Seattle Seahawks [hisssssssss].
Now Coitusers you may know I have gone on record, in the past, against the National Football League. Calling them, and I will have to quote myself here, cheap charlatans and peddlers of promotional tools for overweight Americans. Not something that this website likes to idly stand by and watch our fair nation oppressed with.
I have made a commitment to you, dear readers, to write an article every day for the entire year of 2007, an oath that I do not take lightly. What I’m asking of 10lee’s Inc [BOOOOOOO] is that she will either write a note of apology on her website for ever supporting the Seattle Seahawks OR (and this is much better) cover my shifts here on the website with the interesting aspects of her life for… I don’t know, several days or something… (the details are still being ironed out).
Naturally enough this article will cause a bit of a stir amongst our readers. Already the BMC office is up in arms and the dead zombie of Harmon (he actually did die after his nasty spill from the top of that table, but Balddee2 has since brought him back through some sort of voodoo thing. I chastised both accordingly for being privy to the Devil’s handiwork) is clanging around, angered that this website would go on record as supporting the Bears. But fear not for me friends, Zombies as we all know are afeared of fire and I will use this to keep Harmon at bay.
Much Love
Your friend Muley
wow, i havent seen you as dirty orpheus in eons... is that indicative of your stinky, hole-y theories?
He just fears my zombie wrath. Screw the Bears...But screw Holmgren and the 'Hawks too. Son of a biscuit, what's a Packer fan supposed to do? Hmmm, checking the Packer Handbook, ah yes, rule 1. When in doubt, go against the Bears.
The bears are done everyone knows that.
And I dont even like Football .
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