Friday, August 11, 2006

Where We've Been... Again

Good Morning Kiddos... Another lame link article for all of you anonymous folks out there. Still, hope that you enjoy them...


When pop icons go bad. Or at least get drunk... this is what happens.

Signs that the apocolypse is upon us. If this doesn't convince Baldee that the world will be ending soon, I don't know what will

The official band of the week.

Okay, sorry lame-o link post, but you all try working with these savages. I'm sure that the folks that invented Easter Island, even though they're dead are still smarter than this group of folks.


MF said...

to quote a terrible movie line "if they're so smart how come they're so dead"?

Anonymous said...

what, exactly is an MOS?

mule said...

MOS, I believe, is Member of the Opposite Sex. Thanks to Baldee for that explination; he's the only jones on the website that hangs out at highschools.

By the by, I had a purity test of 27% I'm guessing that's pretty awesome.

MF said...

MOS is also explained right at the top of the test.