Well not yet, but at least it's Lent. That's a good thing right? Again I have humbled myself with ridding myself of another one of my burdens. This year I am again giving up.... Not giving up anything. It is, I know, a large burden and one that for the 20th year in a row I am not 100% sure that i will be trying to muddle my way through.
The first in what is hopefully an ongoing experience...
Our Person of the Week
Finally a bit of good news to come down the pipeline for 2007. Soon, there will be no need to wake up early on that off day, soon there will be no need to fly out of the house and drive blindly in order to enjoy that sweet tasty bit of grease. That's right folks now McDonalds is serving breakfast all day long.
I am not a large fan of lessons in how to write which, more or less is probably why I am not good at it. These rules are fantastic though, I especially enjoy rule six out of the third part the best.

This could be interesting. Tarantino and Rodriguez have combined to make a Grindhouse movie.
There are many reasons, of course, that we should all love the South. Perhaps it s because the South realizes that children are our future. Perhaps it is because the South has out thought that thought by realizing that if children are our future it only makes sense to be children. Here are parents excuses for their children not showing up to school.
And finally, further proof that Namor, the Submariner is trying to take over the world. Fish, with faces:
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