Saturday, December 16, 2006

Where We've Been


Frequent shepherd of the good ship Mother Coitus
, 10lees, put up this incredibly informative website that is all about everybody’s ego centric favorite character. For the record I scored 100% on all of them (some of the answers have yet to be found). Correctly scored your answers should tally 7/8 on the science test, 75% of Life Experienced (take that 10lees), Italian and basically 100% General American speaker with large leanings towards the upper Midwest.

I don’t know why I consider Meerkat Manor to be the finest reality television show on TV. But for some reason when animals evolve or at least show personality I find it interesting. I think I need new friends.

This is a grave offense that our administration is forcing upon our country. How, being of sober rationalities, is a you're either with us or against us policy for the worlds most powerful country? In this article Assistant Secretary of State says that the Bush administration will deal with Cuba's Communist government only when it shows a commitment to democracy. The tighter that we grip our hands the more opportunities slip through our hands. Ignoring a problem does not a solution make.

There are few debates more precious to this country than her debates over the merits of superheroes. Finally, the good folks Comicvine have made a database for all of our favourite comic superheroes along with how they statistically match up against the rest of the comic world. Of special interest is their forums page where the world of comics is discussed. Let Nerdome Reign! So say we all.

I don’t know if this demonstrates the grandiose failings of humanity or if there is still good out there. Regardless, Craigslist, you’ve done the world a fine service.

Bad Mother Coitus has long been a friend of Science and now, thanks to Tom Dickson we finally have a scientist that we are capable of understanding. Sure he might be the sixth or seven person sued for stealing Gallagher’s act. Nonetheless we do love destruction.

Ahhh my little Coitusers the definition of Irony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to point out I made the best possible guess on the Science quiz, and if you do that you can still get 8 out of 8.

oooooo, I was finally added in links! Happy Hannukuk to me! Now where are my other 7 presents?
