Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunate for you, dear reader, both Harmon and I have been detained from the actual act of writing for the past few days (hangover). Please read a response that we received to one of our previously posted articles.
Dr. Gonzo writes, semi-regularly, on the blog www.pontificationsofdrgonzo.blogspot.com
I am not sure I agree with monsieur mule about the meaning of Christmas. I thought the meaning of easter was absolvement as he seems to be angling for, and that the point of Christmas was about celebrating things new, and cherishing what you already have. Well, maybe I'm wrong or mule's idea of the holiday is a bit selfish in nature. Perhaps that's why he hates giving and receiving gifts? If you make the holiday about everyone else and being thankful for them and their parts in your lives, then gifts become superficial representations of the emotions you're trying to express, ie symbols.
Think about it, a gift is a huge statement. Think about the gifts you've received in your life. it's hard to remember more than just a few, right? Only the significant ones were important enough for a long term memory wrinkle. Usually they were representations of a person's feelings for you. I do like mule's sense of anticipation though. A gift is anything when it's all wrapped up. Even a brown paper bag creates a sense of mystery and excitement (actually, more so, as some people try to cover up lousy gifts with pretty paper, not that I've um, ever done thatÂ
This Christmas, I plan on enjoying my family and friends, a glass of nog and the site of pretty packages all under the glittering tree. Perhaps I just drink more nog that mule? Mule, go drink some nog this yearÂ
dr gonzo